H.M. Coroners Post

To the side of the ‘city park’ – Bradford’s redemption – is the pre-existing courts complex and police station. The latter emptied to make way for redevelopment and improve the lots of the copper, the latter showing it’s age. This zine looks at the interaction between the buildings, the controlled natural elements and some of…… Continue reading H.M. Coroners Post

Final Resting Place

Final Resting Place

The finality of death – looking at ageing and fragility from a different angle. Shadows cast on memorial stones in a local graveyard balanced with images of a former home for the elderly – captured after it’s closure and a significant fire. Itself teetering on permanent demise. Shared as pairs the images reflect on the…… Continue reading Final Resting Place

Ice Shapes

A frozen canal. Ice ruptured and smashed – then healed. This collection of 16 photographs examines the surface of a frozen canal which has been violently broken and has since re-frozen. Like scars on a wound these blemishes demonstrate nature in action and reflect on the frailties of humanity. Pages: 16 | Size: A5 (landscape) | B&W | View…… Continue reading Ice Shapes

A year of zines

the story is blue | july 2011

[better_gallery template=horizontal  resize=true ][/better_gallery] Throughout 2011 I created a series of small catalogues or zines relating to visits to specific places – these places have been both close and distant from my home location but one intent has remained throughout – to create a sense of that place as I saw it and to share…… Continue reading A year of zines

Kirkstall Festival

A series of images, captured on a 1930's Voigtlander Brilliant at the 30th Anniversary of Kirkstall Festival (Leeds, UK)

For the 30th Anniversary of Kirkstall Festival (Leeds, UK) photographers were invited to come along and capture as many images as possible – these were later combined into an exhibition and book project managed by East Street Arts. In addition to my usual digital imagery I also took along my Voigtlander Brilliant and captured some…… Continue reading Kirkstall Festival

The commute

The road-trip is a classic subject for documentary photography; in this project we take the mundane journey – the daily commute and use this as the basis for this series of images.