
In WWII defensive positions were built around the UK coast (and inland) to provide spaces from which soldiers could defend. the country. Sadly these were largely unused as we were never directly attacked by foot soldiers.

As a child I recalled the pillboxes on Filey beach near where we used to holiday and these have inspired some of the pieces I’ve made.

These pieces aren’t meant to represent pillbox architecture – instead my memories inspired these ceramics pieces.

Example Pillbox from South Landing on Flamborough Head (about 10 miles away)

What came before

During a workshop I attended in 2021 I produced a couple of pieces which, at the time, I felt referenced the cliffs at Flamborough.

The first pill-box piece…

This piece is formed of a hollow, angular, pot with an intersecting square-profile tube is sat on a layered pedestal.


By Jon

I am a digital professional, artist and all round good egg. Always looking at new and exciting interventions and communities for creative people. Current project: communications strategy for Leeds Creative Timebank. Previously: Exposure Leeds, Photocamp Leeds/Bradford, LSx (BarCamp Leeds, TEDx Leeds) and (We Are) Obscured

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